This is my office space, and a shot of the wall jacks that everything connects to. Despite the goofy appearance of the sockets, they make much more sense. The structure makes the plug more secure when it's plugged in, and the round pins are harder to bend.
Chairs in Korea are ridiculously comfortable, and mine is no different. American chairs feel like park benches by comparison.

The living space: bed, shower, washroom, kitchen, microwave, TV...It's like a college apartment with a commute of about 10 feet. Unfortunately, that washing machine takes 3-4 hours to wash a small load, and doesn't fully dry heavy things like pants. Still, it's way better than nothing.
Each bag contains 100+ packets of instant coffee mix. Though I'm sure the coffee snobs would turn up their noses, the stuff is surprisingly good. The brown sugar is about a year old.
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